Nazi State Russia

Nazi Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, in violation of international law, proves that Nazi Russia is a product of hell. For decades one had the feeling that in Russia there was a form of humanity and a desire for peace similar to that in large parts of the civilized world, but now we see that Russia has become a Nazi state. TV programs discuss war fantasies and hatred of other peoples. Of course, the Nazi regime directs this. What is being discussed in Nazi Russia is taken to be moronic from the outside. Like 70 years ago in Nazi Germany, only more modern. Now fascism is reigning in Nazi Russia and the Russian people are unknowingly participating because they are being manipulated by the regime

The lies about justifying the so-called special operation - it would be possible for NATO to attack Russia from Ukraine or for the Nazis to rule Ukraine - to the point that Ukraine would be controlled by the US or the West are all there . Apparently lies are perceived as truth in Russia, and because one infers others from oneself, the truth of others is of course also a lie. As sick as it sounds, Russians tease that Ukrainians are Nazis, in fact only Russians are Nazis.

The Aggressive war against Ukraine, Rapes of Ukrainian women, executions of people on the streets, torture of prisoners of war Ukrainians in special torture rooms, mass graves, shelling on Ukrainian infrastructure affecting millions of people, destruction of residential buildings, obstruction of grain exports with negative impact on other countries, all this shows that Russia is a Nazi state with a Nazi regime with which there can be no future together. Also, the perfidious justifications of attacks on Ukraine because the West is fueling the war by supplying arms to Ukraine would only prolong the war. This makes it clear that Russia has not yet reached the stage of evolution that prevails in the world. The inhuman notion that the world should just stand by and watch when a country is attacked fits into the bestial paradigm of the Nazi regime.

The war against Ukraine is being labeled as a special operation by the Nazi regime, by a former KGB agent and now Nazi regime leader, as if it were a secret affair like it was back in the 1980's. This shows the regime's primitive mindset. Now one no longer has to wonder why so many Kremlin critics have suddenly died in recent years, been poisoned, irradiated, shot, or thrown out of the window. These mafia methods are used by a state regime that believes it can be accepted by the world.

The Nazi regime in Moscow sends hundreds of thousands of freshly recruited soldiers to the front as cannon fodder. It is cruel for Ukraine to shoot them all. This Russian bestial Nazi regime is knowingly burning parts of its own population for an unwinnable war.

The United Nations has made clear what it thinks of Russia. It is certain, the world community supports Ukraine in self-defense until Ukraine regains its territorial sovereignty, for the sake of humanity nothing else is possible. Nazi Russia will pay reparations to Ukraine, just as Nazi Germany had to pay for its wars for decades.

It is unlikely that there will ever be a democracy in Russia. The mafia system is structured in such a way that whoever moves up comes from the KGB or FSB clan. That is why the elections have no influence on the mafia system. In addition, the mafia regime sees itself as a legitimate government, just like in other dictatorships like North Korea or others.

Nazi Russia will lose the war, including Crimea, and will continue to lie to its own people about the media. Hatred of the defeat, the Nazi regime in the Kremlin will continue to expand contacts with other rogue states and only rely on armaments, although Russia itself is not threatened at all. So it only serves aggression, i.e. land reclamation and the will to rule, which Nazi Russia is not capable of. Russia is and will never be a world power. Russia would never have won World War II against Nazi Germany on its own soil without American help (Zukov speech 1945), but this was kept secret in Russia so as not to distract from its own propaganda. If only the presence of nuclear weapons makes a world power, then we would have nine world powers at the moment and two more are unexpectedly added in Asia, even South Africa used to have nuclear weapons. Russia's overconfidence cannot be surpassed in terms of ridiculousness. In Russia, they have created their own reality that has nothing to do with actual reality, and with such a regime you can only talk past each other. So, in order to want to communicate with Russia, one would have to start lying and twisting history.

Today, on the anniversary of the war, the dictator, as always, lied to his people. The wrong message is that the West wants to destroy Russia and Russia will only defend itself in Ukraine. And the next lie that the West would of course have started the war and supported a Nazi regime in Ukraine. The mendacity with which the Nazi regime in the Kremlin defends the war against Ukraine is reminiscent of the film Planet of the Apes. The level of hypocrisy with which the Kremlin regime manipulates its own people is comparable to that in North Korea. Until the Russian people denazify the Kremlin, there will be no normal relations with the rest of the world.

Next time rogue Putin comes to Mariupol he will be arrested. The embarrassing popaganda performance for his people was the last, soon Ukraine will regain control of the region. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. You can count on all Nazis being shot out of Ukraine including Crimea by late summer.

Putin declares the United States the main enemy. Primitive Nazi is invading Ukraine to enlarge his shit country and because Ukrainians don't belong to this shit country and want to remain independent and will also soon win the war, also with the help of other Civilized States and rightly so on the basis of the UN , the Nazi regime in the Kremlin is flipping reality, and making its damned country a victim who, as a result, must recalibrate its doctrines. This Nazi regime in the Kremlin is full of bullshit. One can no longer speak of human induvidien here.

The Iron Curtain comes to protect civilizations from barbarism in the 21st century.


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